jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

Time travelling... that´s such an interesting and complicated topic.

If I could go to the future, I would like to go to a moment where I have grown up. In this moment, I don´t know if I want to go to a time in particular, but if I had to be specific, I would go to 2040, maybe. It doesn´t matter the place because I only want to know what it would be my life in that moment (and the life of people I know too).

Did I meet new people? Did I finish my current career? What about my plans? What about my family? Did I get over my actual fears? Where will I be living, and who with? Did I meet my goals? There are so many questions that I would ask to the future me if I met him.

Although it would be awesome to time travel, I wouldn´t like to stay there for a long time because I want answers in this moment (just for being curious), and also, the future is the future so one day it will come. Besides, I want to live my life in the present because I´m used to be here with the people I appreciate and love, I have a lot of things to do, and I think that we are here in this time for a purpose too.

Obviously, I´m curious of the things that will happen around the whole world, but now I´m interested in my life (not being selfish hahaha).

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