jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme

To begin with, I´ll say nice things about my study programme. I like the fact that we have a lot of subjects related to chemistry and labs. I also like the length of my career, I know that 11 semesters sound heavy, but compared to others careers I think that is enough (and time pass flying). But on the other hand, there are a lot of things that I disagree with:

- Credit system. Usually, the credits of the subjects are accorded to their workload, but that doesn´t apply to all the subjects. For example, the subject "Fisiología de Sistemas" has only 4 credits but its workload feels like it had 5 credits, because is a very complex subject (you have to understand all the systems of your body, all the parts that make up our organism and all their complicated names). Besides, we have classes of this subject just once a week, so I think that´s a lot of content for a little time.

- Teachers. I think that some teachers have good teaching methods, they care about your learning, they want you to enjoy the process and they are kind too. That doesn´t apply to all the teachers because some of them are mean: they don´t care if you can´t understand the class or if you have troubles. They just care about themselves and I think that´s totally wrong, because that negativity is transmitted to the students and we get stressed. So, I think it would be so helpful if all the teachers were kind (or at least understand us).

- Faculty facilities. If I´m honest, I complain almost everyday about the buildings in the faculty. During test periods, it´s so hard to get a room for studying because they´re always taken! I would like the faculty had new places for studying because they´re necessary (and more with the heat of these days 😭). I would also like there were more comfortable chairs in classrooms (I know there are in some classrooms, but not in all of them), and in my case, I need left-handed chairs. And, talking about classrooms, they are so small. How do you do a class with 250 students in a classroom? That´s insane.

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2022

Post 4: A Time Travel to the Future

Time travelling... that´s such an interesting and complicated topic.

If I could go to the future, I would like to go to a moment where I have grown up. In this moment, I don´t know if I want to go to a time in particular, but if I had to be specific, I would go to 2040, maybe. It doesn´t matter the place because I only want to know what it would be my life in that moment (and the life of people I know too).

Did I meet new people? Did I finish my current career? What about my plans? What about my family? Did I get over my actual fears? Where will I be living, and who with? Did I meet my goals? There are so many questions that I would ask to the future me if I met him.

Although it would be awesome to time travel, I wouldn´t like to stay there for a long time because I want answers in this moment (just for being curious), and also, the future is the future so one day it will come. Besides, I want to live my life in the present because I´m used to be here with the people I appreciate and love, I have a lot of things to do, and I think that we are here in this time for a purpose too.

Obviously, I´m curious of the things that will happen around the whole world, but now I´m interested in my life (not being selfish hahaha).