jueves, 20 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: My Dream Job

Hi! What´s your dream job?

When I was a kid I wanted to work teaching, probably teaching maths (because I liked that subject and it was easy for me in that moment), but when I grew up I realized that it´s hard to me to relate with people, so that dream went down. In high school I discovered what chemistry was, and since then, I have wanted to work in laboratories ❤❤. 

When I imagine working in labs, I always feel joy because you can do a lot of things (such as experiments, synthesize chemical compounds and use them for reactions!). In a near future, I will have the skills to work in my dream job due to the career that I´m studying now (Chemistry and Pharmacy), but honestly, I had no idea about the salary that you get paid for working there. 

For working in labs, you can study another major that involves its skills, but each major has its specialty (in my case, you can make medicaments and even discover new ones 💊). However, you must know how to work with the material and its function, for example using flasks, pipettes and test tubes. 
Besides, you must know how to react in case of emergencies (in case if you get burnt with some acid or something else!). And last but not least, you must have discipline and be organized, you can´t do an experiment if you have a mess in your work area.

To sum up, I think it´s very important for everyone to work in something that makes them happy, because it would be sad if you don´t like your job. 

jueves, 6 de octubre de 2022

Post 2: The Best Concert Ever

Hi! Have you ever seen a concert?
Sometimes, I remember the first concert I saw. It was in September 2018 and Javiera Mena was the headliner at Teatro Caupolican. She presented the release of her newest album (in that moment), Espejo, and when I listened to it for the first time I wanted to see her performing. I enjoyed the concert a lot because I was almost at the barrier, so I saw it all clearly. It was awesome!

One of my favorite moments was the ending, when she performed "Espada" and I love that song. While the song was playing, there were laser lights shouting to the audience and everyone was singing and jumping (I screamed my lungs out too hahaha).

There was a support band too: Marineros. I started listening to their music just to see them performing the day of the concert. When that day came, I was so excited because I realized that I was going to see two artists instead of just one (as I thought it would be when I bought the ticket).

Despite I saw Javiera with a classmate, I will be mainly thankful with my friend that introduced me to her music ❤. Unfortunately, I didn´t take photos or recorded anything of the concert (😭), but I found some photos on internet that showed how it was. 🎇🎇

Javiera Mena
