jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Hi! I always wanted to visit any country in Europe, but now I would like to go to Sweden. 

This country is very cold, most of the year is practically winter ❤; for this, the nights are longer, summer is less hot that in Chile, and also, you can see auroras in the sky! 


Sweden is a safe country, and that´s the main reason of why I would like to go there. You can go almost everywhere using a bike or a scooter, because there are bikeways in the streets. Discrimination isn´t usual here, because Swedish people accept a lot of communities (like women or LGBTI+ community) and they are all respected. Yet this doesn´t count for resident foreigners because it´s so difficult to get a place where to live or get a job. 

One thing that I find interesting about this place is Midsommar, but not like the horror movie. It´s a celebration for the begginning of summer in June 21st (and also, the shortest night of the year). People get together, specially in parks, to spend time dancing, making decorations with flowers (for example, flower crowns) and eating strawberry pie. 🍓


sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2022


 Hi! I´m Pedro Salazar, I´m 19 years old and I´m studying Chemistry and Pharmacy.

I think that my weakness in English are speaking and listening (this one specifically with the British accent). In the case of my strengths, I think they could be reading and writting.

 Talking about how I have been dealing with the present world situation, I think that I don´t know, because it´s been hard times. In the last years, I have been discovering and learning things about myself that I didn´t know before, so that made things worse. But, not all things are bad, because I started figuring out what are the things that make me feel better, for example, my friends and my cat ❤❤.